You get a huge collection of 600+ Exclusive Capture One styles that follow the popular film styles with lifetime support. Film emulation Capture One styles which give an effect of Agfa, Fuji, Ilford, Kodak, Polaroid, etc. These come ideal for portraits, weddings and editorial work, but you can also use them for lifestyle and travel shots. Basically, after the purchase, you can test them on a wide spectre of images to see with which you achieve the best results. Additionally, you also get a practical guide on how to install the presets in Capture One. Everyone is able to put them to use and give images of warmth and lovely skin tone.
Citelighter is pretty similar to Apture Highlights. It works as a virtual highlighter that enables users to find and capture unique facts online and automatically cite sources for their thesis. Citelighter supports different citation styles, including APA, MLA, and Chicago referencing.
Capture One Styles Install Chrome