The film was relaunched in mid 2014 with Selvaraghavan's wife, Gitanjali, announced as the director of the script. Production began in August 2014 with newcomers Balakrishna Kola and Wamiqa Gabbi, while the film was announced to be produced by Balakrishna's father, editor Kola Bhaskar. Further newcomers Amrit and Sridhar were signed on as the film's music composer and cinematographer respectively.[13] The film's first look poster was released in April 2015, with a teaser released thereafter in September 2015.[14][15] Parvathy Nair shot for a small role in the film during late 2015, featuring in the title song and a few scenes. She revealed that the team were looking for a more established actress, but her immediate availability prompted the team to sign her for the role.[16]
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